ETA, the Basque socialist revolutionary organization for national liberation, hereby informs the Basque people that, following the ratification by its members of the proposal to conclude this Organization's historical cycle and function, its journey has ended. As a consequence of this decision:
• ETA has completely dismantled all of its structures.
• ETA has put an end to all its political activity. It will no longer express political positions, promote initiatives or interact with other actors.
• Former members of ETA will continue the struggle for a reunited, independent, socialist, Basque-speaking and non patriarchal Basque Country , wherever they see fit, with the sense of responsibility and honesty they have always demonstrated.
ETA was born at a time when the Basque Country was agonizing, strangled by the claws of Francoism and assimilated by the Jacobin state, and now, 60 years later, thanks to all the work carried out in many spheres and to the struggle of many generations, the Basque nation is alive and wants to be the master of its own future.
ETA wishes to end a cycle of the conflict between the Basque Country and the Spanish and French states; the cycle of the use of political violence. In spite of this, the Spanish and French states persist in their attempt to perpetuate that cycle, being aware of their weakness on exclusively political confrontation and fearful of the scenario of a full resolution of the conflict. Conversely, ETA has no fear of that democratic scenario, and this is why it has made this historic decision, so that the process towards freedom and peace may continue on another path. This is a logical sequence, following the decision made in 2011 to put a definitive end to armed struggle.
From now on, the main challenge will be to build a process, as a people, based on the accumulation of forces, grassroots mobilization and agreements among those with differing viewpoints, in order to overcome the consequences of the conflict and to address its political and historical root causes. A key part of this will be to bring into effect the right to decide, in order to achieve recognition of our nationhood. Left-wing pro-independence people will work for this to lead to the establishment of a Basque State.
We have made this, our last decision, in order to foster a new historical phase. ETA was born from the people and now it dissolves back into the people.

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