Un niño autista ofrece una clase magistral sobre el autismo

Un niño autista de 11 años cuenta a sus compañeros de forma espontánea qué es el autismo en este vídeo que se ha convertido en viral.

Rumari, el protagonista del vídeo que se ha hecho viral.

«Una cosa maravillosa sucedió en mi clase. Las dos cosas que más valoro y me empeño en enseñar a mis alumnos cada día ‘sé amable’ y creer en uno mismo diciendo ‘si, puedo hacerlo’… Rumari levantó la mano para decir algo, y frente a la clase, con confianza, entusiasmo y coraje, ha explicado a sus compañeros qué es ser autista de manera magistral». Junto a este mensaje una profesora difundía un vídeo en el que un niño explicaba a sus compañeros qué es ser autista.

Ver esta publicación en Instagram

🧩 Today, a beautiful thing occurred within my classroom. My two most important mottos and lessons I stress every single day with my students is to “Be Kind” and to believe in one’s self through the growth mindset of “Yes I Can”. • • It is #AutismAwareness Month and every classroom on campus has been asked to have each student decorate a paper puzzle piece and hang it on our classroom doors. When I handed out the puzzle pieces, most students were familiar with the idea of Autism and aware of the cause of decorating the puzzle pieces. What my students did not know is that Autism is present within our classroom with one of our fellow classmates, Rumari. With excitement, Rumari rose his hand and said “May I please say something?” I nodded and said “of course”, but never could I have imagined what was to follow. • • Rumari has faced challenges and barriers beyond what any of us will ever be able to fully understand. But today, Rumari stood in front of the classroom with full confidence, enthusiasm, and courage and showed us that there is no challenge or barrier that can stop him. He brought to life the meaning of “Yes I Can” as he explained to his fellow classmates that he was autistic. With full knowledge, he explained the differences that may come when being autistic and how the spectrum is vast. He courageously spoke about his own differences and quirks, while defining what it means to make everyone feel like a someone. • • My other students and I sat quietly and listened, completely engulfed in every word he spoke to us. Because of this, it took me a bit before realizing I needed to capture this moment. Without any of the students knowing, I hit record and captured the final moments of Rumari speaking to us and the raw, authentic reactions of the rest of my students. It is then, that I lost my ability to hold back the tears. It is then, that the daily lessons to “Be Kind” and to remember “Yes I Can” were brought together. • • If I were unable to ever teach again or if there was ever a question to my path into this role as an educator, this moment solidified my purpose. With permission from Rumari’s parents, I wanted to share with you this moment:

Una publicación compartida de Lisa Moe (@missmoeteaches) el

En el vídeo se observa a los otros niños y niñas cómo escuchan en silencio las explicaciones de Rumari. Cuando terminó la exposición,  fueron muchas la preguntas que realizaron los estudiantes, pero el momento más emotivo llegó cuando una niña alzó la mano para pedir si podía abrazar a a Rumari. Toda la clase se unió al abrazo colectivo.

El vídeo compartido por la profesora en Instagram se ha convertido en viral.